頑固脂肪局部不斷積聚而形成雙下巴1,2Double chin is characterized by localized fat accumulation in the submental region.1 ,
雙下巴讓人顯老、更多了肥胖感3-6Double chin making people feel older and more overweight than they actually are, and brings impact to both men and women.3-6
造成雙下巴的原因2,7Double chin maybe due to
雙下巴的成因不只是體重增加。 所以,單靠 做運動及節食都未必能 解決雙下巴問題!2,7You don’t have to be overweight to have fullness under your chin. And sometimes, no matter how much you exercise or diet, the condition may not go away.2,7