常見問題 Q&A

  1. 我需要接受多少次Belkyra®溶脂療程? How many Belkyra® treatments will I need?

    每個人的雙下巴狀況都不同,因此所需的療程次數及劑量亦有所不同。根據臨床研究顯示,大部分用家需接受 2 – 4 次療程來達致理想效果。最多可進行6次療程。8,9 Since everyone’s chin profile is different, the number of treatments varies from one to another. According to clinic studies, most users undergo 2 – 4 treatment sessions to achieve expected results, and a maximum of 6 treatments can be performed.8,9
  2. 療效能維持多久? How long will results last?

    Belkyra®溶脂療程針對分解脂肪細胞,而已被破壞的細胞不能再儲存或累積脂肪,達致不可逆轉的溶脂效果。達致預期目標效果後,無需再重覆療程,效果永久不反彈。4,6 Belkyra® causes the destruction of fat cells under chin. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After final aesthetics result achieved, a durable effect is expected.4,6
  3. 療程後,我會有甚麼改變? What should I notice after treatment?

    療程後出現腫脹、發麻是藥效發揮的必經過程。大部分的療程後反應可在30 天內逐漸改善。13 After treatment, you may experience swelling, pain, or numbness under your chin. Most condition will resolve gradually within 30 days.13